Some people utilize the chance of a cross-country move to embark on a road trip, driving all the way and making some pit-stops as they go. Spending a long time on a drive does not sit well with most people, but there are a few ways the situation can be improved.
Perform a Maintenance Check
Change your car oil, have all fluids refilled, inflate the tires, and attend to other maintenance issues before you begin the road trip. You do not want to be met by the need for an oil change or tire inflation when you are halfway through the trip and probably in the middle of nowhere.
Allocate Driving Time
Some people do not mind driving over long distances on their own. However, others can only be behind the wheel for a couple of hours at a given time. If you are the only one licensed to drive in the car, you really have no choice but to drive the entire way. But if your partner or one of your kids has their driving license, decide how long each one of you will sit behind the wheel at a go. Take into consideration how comfortable each one of you is, depending on the driving circumstances. If your partner is uncomfortable driving your car, you should expect to drive most of the way, and if they dislike night driving, then also you will have to drive during the night hours.
Select Music Carefully
When it comes to entertainment at home, most people turn to videos, films, their favorite shows. In a car, however, screens cannot be an ideal source of entertainment, especially for the person behind the wheel – which leaves music as the best source of entertainment. The soundtracks should be a collection of what everybody traveling in the car likes. Aside from music, you can include stand-up comedy, podcasts, and even audio books. This mixture will help make the long journey more bearable.
Carry Sufficient Snacks
Hunger is never an exciting feeling, especially during a long journey. Food can serve as the best entertainment. You can pack finger treats, crackers, cookies, juice boxes, sippy cups, fruits such as apples and oranges, and water. The type of snacks you decide to carry does not matter most of the time but ensure you get something that will agree with your stomach throughout the journey. Getting car sick along the way can make the journey even longer and more tiring. Once the journey begins, consider assigning the task of passing around snacks to one person in case anyone needs to bite something.
Play some Engaging Games
The long road does not provide much excitement, so it is a good idea to come up with fun things to engage in. Have a long list of games to keep everyone, especially the kids, entertained during the trip. One of the most common games used for road trip entertainment is ‘I Spy with my Little Eye’, where players get to guess what the item the one ‘spying’ is talking about, such as a car or animal. Another exciting game is spotting fun attractions to stop and explore. This can be incorporated with bathroom breaks. Other fun games include ’20 Questions’, ‘License Plate Game’, and ‘The Alphabet Game’. You can also consult the internet for other exciting suggestions.
Have Regular Breaks
The need for a break during a long trip cannot be overstated. This is especially crucial when on the road with children. When laying out the plan for the trip, include some activities that suit everyone. When you indulge in thrilling experiences along the way, the long hours spent traveling will be bearable. If the trip takes you across the country, consider stopping to explore new cities you have never been to or having some fun in theme parks. Also, letting children have some fun for half an hour in each break can help them sleep longer in the car, giving you some time to relax in the calm.
Avoid Using Shortcuts
A road trip across the country can be a long and tiring endeavor, which might tempt you to consider taking a shortcut. As great as the possibility of making your journey shorter may sound, most shortcuts end up making the trip even longer. Unless the shortcut you’re looking to use has great lighting and features four lanes, you might want to stick to the major roads.
Make Prior Reservations before Starting Your Journey
Your journey may take more than a day, or you might meet some inconveniences such as bad weather conditions, illness, or issues with your car. Contact a motel located in the area you plan to stop and rest, or use the help of local moving companies beforehand and book enough rooms for everyone. Never travel with the assumption that a place will be available with enough rooms to fit everyone. The situation might not be in your favor once you get there.
In addition, try to find the nicest place that your budget can afford. You do not want to be stuck in a place where you risk getting your car broken into, or where it isn’t safe enough to walk around. Such inconveniences may end up causing unexpected costs, which may give you even more worries and headaches. If getting a nice and safe place might cost you a bit more, so be it.
Have a Reliable GPS System
Nothing makes a long journey across the country more frustrating than coming face to face with the fact that you’re lost. Despite how good you think you are at navigating through the long road to your destination, you might get lost, since you’re treading in unfamiliar territory. On top of that, getting lost could spark arguments among the family members on the inability to read maps or understand directions. Get yourself a reliable GPS system, and you do not have to fret about losing your way. You can buy a GPS system for your car or simply download one on your phone. Even so, consider carrying a paper map with you. You do not want to be driving through an unfamiliar area with a weak signal and lose your way.