Relocating is ranked high among the most exciting yet stressful events one goes through in life together with events like weddings and structuring plans for a small metropolis. Even with the numerous changes that one needs to overcome, you can rest easy knowing that it is all possible to get through. The most useful piece of advice that has been given as a testament by those who have already completed the process is preparing to move checklist.

Moving into a new house checklist is not covered in just a day; usually, it lasts weeks. Numerous tasks have to be completed before the goods can be hauled to their destination from finding a new residence to ensuring that you have the right movers and packers to help out. It can be hard to identify the ideal time when each task needs to be tackled, so we provide a guide on how to go about the planning process.

Two Months Prior

In most cases, people assume that the essential thing to begin handling is the organization of belongings, but it is not. About eight weeks before the big day, sift through your possessions as you take time to identify things that you no longer need. Start with one room and then move on to the next to avoid getting overwhelmed. You can ask someone to come over to help with the process if there are too many goods to go through. Another party can also provide a second opinion on things you are not sure about getting rid of or not.

Six Weeks Prior

Begin assembling the supplies you will need, especially containers. You do not need too many cartons at this stage; only enough to carry possessions that you will not need until you get to your new house such as:

  • Books and other media – if you have a large collection of books, pack them away as soon as now and leave out one or two that you plan on reading during the time leading up to the relocation. CDs, DVDs, and other media can be put away as well.
  • Seasonal attires – if your relocation falls in the summer, organize your coats, boots, and any other garments that are only used during the winter.
  • Sentimental pieces like photo albums, stamp collections, etc.
  • Art and tools only used for decorative purposes.
  • Unused rooms like those for guests can have their constituents put away. The garage, basement, and attic also fall into this category.

Two Weeks Prior

Sift through your kitchen and identify foods that are perishable so that they can all be consumed before you leave while identifying the canned foods you would like to come with you. During this time, you can also organize yard tools like lawnmowers.

During the Last Week

Being the last week, you want to focus on possessions that you use, such as televisions, office equipment, kitchen tools, beddings, clothes, and jewelry. However, make sure you leave out enough garments and tools to use during the days before the relocation date.

The Big Day

On the relocation day, you should only be left with a few belongings out of place, such as those you have been using during the week. Make sure you have clothes, toiletries, and other essential supplies you will need for transit and a few days at your new place before things can be placed in order.