Winter is among the best times to relocate in terms of incurred fees and relocating firms’ flexibility. However, it comes with a set of perks as well, that could be quite harmful if not taken care of. Below are some pointers from Movers in Coquitlam on how best to handle such a task.

Prepare your New Place for the Relocation

There are a couple of things that will need to be taken care of at your destination before you and your new family can embark on your journey.

  • Ensure utilities are up and running

The last thing you want when relocating in such cold conditions is to arrive at your new place only to find that you did not call to have your heat and lights connected in time. This is among the paramount things that will have to be done in good time before you arrive. The best thing to do is to have the heat running well before your arrival so that the place is warmed up by the time you get there.

  • Clear all the paths

Snow and ice can cause slips and make the unpacking process uncomfortable and unsafe. Therefore, hire someone to clear the walkways for you and your crew before you arrive, or have a shovel in the vehicle with you. Consider having some salt with you so that it can be poured on the paths once you arrive. If you are not sure how much work needs to be done and visiting the place is not possible, have your real estate agent do it for you.

  • Ensure the laneways and packing areas are convenient for your relocating truck

This should be done when handling a relocation any time of the year. Additionally, you may want to liaise with your neighbors or rent the services of someone to clear those areas of snow and ice as well.

Ready your Current House

  • Get rid of snow on paths

As stated above, snow and ice on paths can have hazardous consequences on your goods and the people involved. Therefore, ensure that they are cleared and have salt or sand poured on them for utmost safety.

  • Keep the inside of the house dry

Minimize the amount of snow that is dragged into the house by placing old blankets, carpets, or cardboards in areas where there is traffic. Use string tape or tacks to ensure they stay put.

  • Have a shovel and some salt or sand in your vehicle

Having such items handy will make things easier if your vehicle or relocating trailer gets stuck, or snow begins to fall again. Be aware of the changes that are happening around you at all times.

  • Have something warm to drink

Drinks that can help you warm up such as coffee or tea are a great idea. Have enough for you, your family, and the relocating team so that nobody is kept down by the harsh cold weather. Additionally, consider having some warm clothing such as hats or gloves in case anyone needs some extras.

  • Keep track of the weather

The weather during winter can change from a small breeze one day to a blizzard the next. Therefore, make use of technology and keep track of how the day is going to be in the days surrounding the relocation date.

What to do in the Event of a Storm

  • Prepare a backup schedule

When hiring a relocating agency during winter, ensure to ask how flexible they are when it comes to last-minute date changes. This is because the weather may end up being too inconvenient for your relocation to occur when you want it to. If they are not willing to change the dates, ask to see if your relocating agent can have the people relocating to your current home wait a while longer. This should be done in good time to avoid any inconveniences. If things do not work out on that end and the relocating agency still can’t change dates, have them pick up your possessions and store them in alternative areas such as a unit until the weather is convenient enough for them to be hauled to your new place.

  • Select a convenient road

Some roads can be closed due to the bad weather, so you will want to confirm which roads will be open on the day of your relocation. Additionally, check to see the accommodation establishments available on that route in the event that you need to stop.

  • Ready your vehicle

Have your car in top-notch conditions to face the weather and have everything you may need in it before you hit the road. It is advisable to have sturdy chains if your car gets stuck, and you should practice how to put them on. Additionally, have some gasoline, warm blanket, shovel, and salt to make sure you are prepared for any situation that you meet.

  • Have emergency contacts

This will make sure that you have someone at your beck and call in case you run into some trouble. Also, leave a plan of how you intend to travel to your destination and call them every now and then to let them know where you are.