Once you make a choice to relocate, you are never aware of the actual day you’ll be moving. If you are putting your house on sale, a buyer could have it in a month’s time, or it could take well over a year to find one. Your relocating day could fall on a major holiday or celebratory occasions like an anniversary or graduation. This makes things hard if you want to indulge in the celebrations, and you have made arrangements with your relocating agency to arrive during the merrymaking. No need to be disappointed – Movers Brampton has some tips to help you celebrate and move at the same time.
Have a Chat With Your Moving Agency
To make sure moving fees don’t cost more than expected, consult your local moving companies to know their moving fees during holidays and holiday weekends. You can budget to save some cash if your move must happen around that period. Also, ensure the availability of your moving team around that time. Packing well before the moving day or renting the services of professional packers to do it for you will reduce stress.
Traffic Report
Inquire about any hold-ups or alterations in traffic routes as a result of other holiday festivities or parades from your municipality. Finding out about such changes too late could interfere with the moving route you choose. Tell your moving company of likely hitches in moving your belongings which they may or may not be aware of and share your worries.
Find a Sitter
Find a babysitter if you have young kids who are upset about not being part of the holiday celebration due to the relocation. A sitter could accompany them to party or simply to a good place for kids to enjoy themselves. It will help you relocate as well as keep the little ones excited. Even though they’ll miss their folks at the start, they’ll come back with happy festive tales.
Search for Holiday Activities
Prior to relocating, conduct some research on the holiday events offered to residents in the new neighborhood or what festive occasions are taking place near the area. Even though you may want to hang on to your usual holiday practices, here’s the opportunity to come up with new holiday traditions, memories, and friends.
Have a Holiday-Themed Housewarming Party
Have some fun by hosting a housewarming party or one celebrating a family event like a birthday. As a matter of fact, such an occasion will be quite easy to pull together since it will already have a holiday theme and will be highly awaited. If you need some help with the planning, ask your pals and family to bring some food for the party guests, brushes to help paint, or dress comfortably for unpacking.
Don’t Worry About Decorations
Even though they are a big ingredient of most festive seasons, decorations are not an essential part. It isn’t necessary to pile on to your relocating anxiety by worrying about hanging up decorations in your new house after you just relocated. Moreover, don’t worry about your furniture not being in perfect order or a trash can lurking where it shouldn’t. Allow your home some time to take on its welcoming atmosphere.
Put the Party on Hold
Relocating might have dried you out to the point that you have no energy to celebrate. Enjoying a holiday or anniversary on a different day does not make it less fun or important. Put the party on hold until you are done unpacking all your belongings, and your energy levels are back up: then you can celebrate happily in your new place. Keep in mind that relocating is a hard task, and all that is required is your favorite people by your side to make any festive season perfect.
Contact us today for more info on relocation during the holidays.