Outdoor cats are well known for their spirit of adventure and adaptability. However, after moving house, your cat is exposed to various dangers since they are not yet familiar with the surroundings. Therefore, they might require some assistance to adapt to the new place.

Experienced Mississauga movers have compiled a list of six guidelines that will help you keep your furry friend from any lurking dangers after settling in the new place.

Keep your Pet’s Info Up-To-Date

Most cats that have access to the outdoors like to wander places they deem their dominion. In the case that they go too long a distance from home, they use their senses of sight, smell, and hearing, to figure out their way back. Relocating to an unfamiliar place may confuse your pet. Purchase a collar with a tag that states your address and contacts. It is also recommended to get them a microchip.

Look for a Veterinary Doctor

Relocations might take their toll on your cat’s well-being. It is crucial for you to look for a new vet to provide medical attention to your pet. Having a vet for your cat helps you know where to turn to in case of an emergency or ordinary healthcare.

On top of that, a vet can provide advice on how to help your furry friend adjust to the conditions of your new place. This is especially necessary if the climatic conditions vary greatly from those of your previous residence.

Ensure the Yard is Safe for the Cat

Your new yard may look secure. However, it might not be for your cat to play in. Reinforce any weak access points in the yard and make sure to proof any potential causes of injury such as;

  • Insect colonies
  • Toxic plants
  • Inert water
  • Holes

Take a Stroll Around the Neighborhood

The cat is bound to roam the area no matter what. Therefore, ensure you take a look around the area and see if there are any hazardous things to avoid such as big pets, roads, etc.

If you happen to run into other people with cats for pets, enquire from them to see the kind of experience your pet is on for.

Familiarize Yourself With any Limitations

Living in the countryside might give your pet the freedom to go any place of their choice. Most cities, however, may not be as open. In a bid to keep the number of stray animals low, cities have quite a number of limitations. Depending on the city, your furry friend may need special certification and vaccines to move around.

Familiarize Your Cat Moderately

It is advisable to keep your cat indoors for a couple of weeks even if they are not used to staying inside. In this period, your pet will get more accustomed to the new environment, helping them maintain their cool once the great outdoors are made accessible to them. If the climatic conditions are favorable, consider opening a window to let your pet sniff the air and roam the yard.

When the time comes to let them out, ensure they still have access to the house when they want to. This will provide a sense of security when circumstances force them to retreat indoors.

Implement these steps and you will help keep your cat happy both indoors and outdoors. Contact us for more information on moving with your beloved pet(s).